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FREE Webinar: UK REACH: Letter of Access negotiation

Do you need to pay again for data already purchased for EU REACH to register your substances also under UK REACH? What are typical data-sharing models for UK REACH registrations? Are the data holders playing a fair game with you? … or the other way round – if you are a data holder, how to make sure that you don't get into unnecessary trouble when sharing the data with other co-registrants?
Purchasing the right data is typically one of the first steps towards a full UK REACH registration. We have seen a number of models of how data sharing is handled under UK REACH. Join this webinar if you still haven't submitted your UK REACH registrations and learn your data-sharing rights to minimize your UK REACH registration costs. See you at the webinar.
Managing Director @REGARTIS
Tomáš has many years of experience with understanding and implementing various European regulations. He follows the UK REACH situation since there was merely a talk about BREXIT, and informs our audience about it regularly, clearly, and with contagious enthusiasm.